Brought to you by Christian Friends of Israel, FrontPage Jerusalem, is a premier Christian radio talk show direct from Jerusalem featuring exclusive interviews addressing current issues, with expert analysis and scholarly biblical teaching. FrontPage Jerusalem is a informative and well-paced weekly broadcast hosted by Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and Kevin Howard.

Download Name Play Duration
download FPJ2019-10-12 Israel's Biblical Land Covenant
27:52 min
download FPJ2019-10-05 Syrian Christians Road to Recovery
27:52 min
download FPJ2019-09-28 Rising AntiSemitism in the UK
27:52 min
download FPJ2019-09-21 Connecting to Israel
27:52 min
download FPJ2019-09-14 Understanding Israeli Elections
27:52 min
download FPJ2019-09-07 Iran's Threat to the Middle East
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-08-24 Historical Temple Mount Today
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-08-17 Speech Improvements in Israel
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-08-03 Running for Zion
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-07-20 Advocating for Israel
27:52 min
download FPJ2019-07-13 Saving Hearts and Lives in Israel
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-07-06 Unraveling the Scroll
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-06-29 Connecting at the Heart
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-06-22 Music for the Soul
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-06-15 Understanding Biblical Samaria
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-06-08 An Interesting View
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-06-01 Geopolitically Speaking
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-05-25 Understanding the Wilderness Walk
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-05-18 Dealing with Status Quo
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-05-11 Personal Defense of Israel
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-05-04 Staying the Course
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-04-27 Digging up the Past
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-04-20 Jerusalem's Third Temple
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-04-13 Reprogramming Cancer Cells
28:00 min
download FPJ2019-04-06 New Immigrants in the Land
28:00 min

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Christliche Freunde Israels e. V.

Söldenhofstr. 10, 83308 Trostberg

e-Mail: info[at]
Tel.: +49 (0)8621-977286



Christliche Freunde Israels e. V. (CFRI) ist der deutsche Arbeitszweig von Christian Friends of Israel (CFI-Jerusalem) mit Hauptsitz in Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Telefon: 972-2-623-3778 Fax: 972-2-623-3913 E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

CFRI ist zuletzt vom Finanzamt Traunstein am 25.04.2022 als gemeinnütziger eingetragener Verein bestätigt worden.
